Cesar Millan publishes new book in dog training

September 2, 2016

When it comes to dog training, there is perhaps no one more famous than Cesar Millan. Known to millions as the “Dog Whisperer” thanks to his hit cable TV show, Millan is almost certainly the most famous dog trainer in the world. Now, Millan has put his best tips and stories into a book designed to help owners train dogs to be the best they can be. In “How to…


How to get a healthy dog

April 10, 2016

Article written by Pets on the net, articles and pictures of cool pets Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, usu facilis tincidunt te, ad magna nostro vim. Vis an alii mollis rationibus. Pro an vide viris, est ad vidit nobis. Minimum constituto sit ad, duo id putent minimum probatus, id vidit possim consetetur vis. Vim aperiri omittam ut, no vivendo appetere adipisci nec. Ea vim oblique expetenda hendrerit, cu enim errem…